1 yochanan  Sun, Mar 29, 2009 3:46:38am

your political post are o.k. but why put this drivel on LGF?

2 YMedad  Sun, Mar 29, 2009 4:49:43am

a) thanks for my political posts.
b) actually, i think there are ‘politics’ in the pics but…
c) will reconsider
d) nevertheless, seems many go to silly posts here that are definitely non-political. hard to judge.
e) and how come JWF gets away with everything?

3 JammieWearingFool  Sun, Mar 29, 2009 6:22:16am

re: #1 yochanan

your political post are o.k. but why put this drivel on LGF?

Drivel is his specialty.

e) and how come JWF gets away with everything?

Because I’m special.

4 unrealizedviewpoint  Sun, Mar 29, 2009 9:42:59am

Are you certain you put enough photos of yourself up? I count four on page one alone.

5 unrealizedviewpoint  Sun, Mar 29, 2009 9:50:31am

re: #3 JammieWearingFool

I wonder if he Twitters, so I can track him.

6 YMedad  Sun, Mar 29, 2009 1:19:26pm

we know that you twit, i think that’s enough.

as for pictures, i feel very uneasy about persons who hide or disguise. i don’t play the games of fake names. sorry.

7 jones  Sun, Mar 29, 2009 4:30:54pm

What is the deal between JWF and YM? I seem to have come in the middle.

8 YMedad  Sun, Mar 29, 2009 9:48:58pm

Hi, Jones. When you find out the real reason, let me know. Either he doesn’t like my pictures, or that I show people my face at my site, or that I do not participate in the dialoguing/comments at LGF enough (as if there aren’t many doing whatever I do) or whatever. Many do the very same as me but he picks on me. So either I’m a very bad person or a very good one.

9 unrealizedviewpoint  Sun, Mar 29, 2009 10:46:59pm

re: #6 YMedad

we know that you twit, i think that’s enough.

as for pictures, i feel very uneasy about persons who hide or disguise. i don’t play the games of fake names. sorry.

One photo on your blog would suffice to show you’re not hiding or disguising yourself. Four (4) photos of yourself on your home-page says only one thing, you’re a narcissist.

10 unrealizedviewpoint  Sun, Mar 29, 2009 10:55:20pm

re: #9 unrealizedviewpoint

Oh, and JWF and I are not buddies. It’s unlikely we’ve shared more then 15 words.

I look at your links, scratch my head, and wonder - why does he post this drivel.

11 JammieWearingFool  Mon, Mar 30, 2009 4:56:23am

Yes, he’s a narcissist. And a megalomaniac.

And a damn lousy blogger.

I’ve explained it to him enough times but he’s too thickheaded to listen. He gets dinged down because the only reason he’s here is to spam his crappy links.

12 unrealizedviewpoint  Mon, Mar 30, 2009 7:37:23am

re: #11 JammieWearingFool

Yes, he’s a narcissist. And a megalomaniac.

And a damn lousy blogger.

I’ve explained it to him enough times but he’s too thickheaded to listen. He gets dinged down because the only reason he’s here is to spam his crappy links.

The megalomania truly explains all the photos posted of himself. Wow!

13 YMedad  Fri, Apr 3, 2009 12:57:09am

thanks for pointing me here. i needed a laugh. listen, I accept your criticism as your opinion. but can anyone answer my questions about hiding identity? is it a game? a youthful adventure? i see some of you and others doing the exact same thing as me in terms of posting vs. comments so there must be something that really drives you about me. you need a specific target?

i try to be involved in activities of a politicasl nature here in Israel and have been invited to share my opinions on the pages of various periodicals, been invited abroad to lecture, etc. I try to do my bit and I get a few things done. If all you can criticise is my presumed narcissism and my meglomania, well, that’s okay. I am proud of what I have actually done so far in my life and not just post anonymous blogs. That’s what I’m guilty of, I guess and I am truly sorry for you if you feel the need to keep snapping away, especially as we are in basic agreement as to worldviews and political orientation.

14 unrealizedviewpoint  Fri, Apr 3, 2009 6:33:02am

re: #13 YMedad

One photo of yourself on your blog would suffice to show you’re not hiding or disguising yourself. But four (4) photos of yourself on your home-page says you’re a narcissist. You’re major creepy.

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